Sunday, August 2, 2015

Eating Local

Currently I'm in love with lists. I used to hate them--why would I need to write anything down, I have a great memory! But not only have I grown to find them useful, I'm actually beginning to enjoy using them. Take the Day Zero Project, for example. When I heard about it I was excited, because I write too much down on random papers, and the thing about random papers is that they're very easy to lose.

I mention this because I'm in the midst of one of my Day Zero goals, which happens to be to eat local for a month. I planned this out so that I'd be doing it at the height of the farmers' market, which makes everything much easier. I wanted to share how simple and delicious this can be--above is some amazing bruschetta my spouse made with fresh tomatoes, basil, onions, and balsamic vinegar on locally made bread.

I'd encourage anyone who wants a little challenge to try it out--it certainly has prompted me to do and try things I wouldn't have otherwise--and feel free to have a look at what I put up on my list
