Monday, February 29, 2016

Shell Shocked Novel Announcement

Happy Leap Day! I'm using my "extra day" to finally post again and announce something I'm super excited about--I have my first novel coming out!

I won't go into the boring lengthy backstory of how it happened, but I will give a little description of what it is, and it's a mouthful: M/M Easter/Spring-themed cozy mystery. I am thrilled about this--it has everything from over-the-top small town-ness to a pet goose and of course a cute couple.

In part this is so exciting because it's a step outside my normal scifi/fantasy genre preference, where I normally write, but then I often read cozies and I love the light, cute feeling of them, so it only seemed natural to write one of my own. And so, a little about the book...

There's Dom, who's on vacation in small town Wisconsin when he figures out his boyfriend is cheating on him. Even though he breaks up with the guy, he gets stuck there for the duration of the town's spring festival, and that's where Kiko comes in. A Latino man who owns an egg-themed store called Yolks on You, Kiko's a bit of a nerd who really sticks out in a small town. He and Dom are brought together by an exploding cow--and soon find they work well together. Dom's cynicism + Kiko's upbeat nature make their amateur sleuthing a bit of a balancing act that they both find they enjoy.

But I wouldn't want to spoil it, at least not all at once. It'll be out on--you guessed it--Easter, the 27th of March, from JMS Books.
