Monday, November 16, 2015

Bathrooms of the Northwoods

Warning: this post will be full of pictures. I get a little click-happy now and again.

Over the weekend we just so happened to venture up a little farther north for a few days. I of course took the opportunity to do as much geocaching as possible, though it was a little chill. See the lovely cold lake above? It was so. clear.

Anyway, when you're out and about in the Wisconsin northwoods, you have to stop for a drink. Now, normally I try to avoid bar bathrooms, but I didn't completely this time. And so I ended up with some pictures of some fun bathrooms that I had to share.

The first is from a place called Club 45. I thought the painting on the stalls was fun!

Next up we have the bar itself was very themed looking, but when I got to the bathrooms...I think I could just camp out in there. I admit this is the first time I've ever seen a fireplace in a bathroom.

At first glance it does look like a nicer bathroom with one of those fun leaf basins. But then... that a fireplace?

Yes. Yes it is. Right under the T.V.

Uh, this is because I thought the ceiling was also worth noting.

The sink lit. up. I can't even. I want my bathroom to do this at home. Entertainment, fireplace, light shows? Yes please. But I think I'm going to leave you with the art:

Wonder what's in the men's room?


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Covers over Coffee

Today I wanted to muse a little about covers over my coffee, because, well, covers! And I have coffee, and am waking up still, so this should be interesting. Join me as my mind wanders.

I've entered the point where I'm starting to get personalized covers for my stories every now and then, which turns out to be a great feeling. It's been fun to see what the artists come back with, and very exciting to know that it's specifically for a particular story. And so, coffee in hand, I present to you a couple covers for some upcoming stories.

The first is for a steamwestern coming out next month! This is my first cover that is just for my story alone, and I love it. Hopefully I'm not the only one. The second one (bottom) will be out in December, a holiday-themed science fiction. The cover reminds me of those Original Star Trek episode openings, which makes me smile for some reason.

I've also been thinking about what it is about covers that makes us like or dislike them...Is it color palette, extensive detail, lack of detail? Definitely the font is something I personally notice, and I do tend to be drawn more to covers that convey atmosphere rather than detailed images of the characters. I think the story feels more real to me if I can believe the world actually exists.

What does everyone else look for in a cover? It's always interesting to me to know that the very things that draw me can be things that other readers don't care for! Aaaand, I'm out of coffee! Time to go forth and write.


Monday, October 19, 2015

A Healthy Obsession

Recently the cards have been indicating I need to focus on my health. Annoying but true--my exercise over the summer had more or less ground to a halt. I had to take the message as a kick-in-the-pants, so I did!

I had been eyeing trying out geocaching for a while now, but a book I recently read put it back in my mind again. I figured now was as good a time as any to try out something I'd been meaning to do. (And as an aside, has anyone else ever taken up a hobby or tried something after reading about it? Funny how inspiring a good story can be.)

Surprise surprise, I am perhaps slightly obsessed. Geocaching is like a tremendous scavenger hunt played over the entire world. Not only did it serve its purpose in getting me out from behind my computer and into the world, I've found I'm seeing places in my town I would have never even known existed. There are far more little parks, wooded nature trails, and beautiful scenic overlooks than I would have imagined. Now it's becoming fun not only finding the cache, but seeing something new, too.

I've learned so much about the community, from info about geological formations to history. Recently I stopped at a cache in a cemetery for the old county mental health facility, which was fascinating. But I think my favorite discovery so far was the lock on the bridge, not part of geocaching, but a wonderful little find nevertheless. Someone had fastened a lock on a bridge, the words "when she said yes" written on its front. That had me smiling the rest of the day, and inventing little stories about this mystery couple.

My main concern is that this will be difficult to do in the winter--but winter is not yet here, and I'll deal with that when I get to it. For now, I'll let the community inspire me. And try not to get too obsessed with my new hobby (doesn't help that it counts on my day zero list!).


Sunday, September 27, 2015


I meant to post about this ages ago...The summer just flew by here!

I first saw the sunflowers when I was out riding along my favorite bike path near the river. There were these gorgeous stretches of sunflowers, all golden and happy in the morning sunlight. I had no idea why this year there were suddenly sunflowers in the fields, until I saw someone sharing this Buzzfeed article.

The first thing I thought was that I really need to keep up with the local news better!

But beyond that I was touched...I went back not long after to get a good picture, but the sunflowers were already bending and the weather was not in my favor. It's been a rainy summer here!

If you're in the area and interested about where you can buy any of these sunflowers, Babbettes Seeds of Hope has a list on their site. 


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Eating Local

Currently I'm in love with lists. I used to hate them--why would I need to write anything down, I have a great memory! But not only have I grown to find them useful, I'm actually beginning to enjoy using them. Take the Day Zero Project, for example. When I heard about it I was excited, because I write too much down on random papers, and the thing about random papers is that they're very easy to lose.

I mention this because I'm in the midst of one of my Day Zero goals, which happens to be to eat local for a month. I planned this out so that I'd be doing it at the height of the farmers' market, which makes everything much easier. I wanted to share how simple and delicious this can be--above is some amazing bruschetta my spouse made with fresh tomatoes, basil, onions, and balsamic vinegar on locally made bread.

I'd encourage anyone who wants a little challenge to try it out--it certainly has prompted me to do and try things I wouldn't have otherwise--and feel free to have a look at what I put up on my list


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Uncustomary Love

Snail mail happens to be one of my many interests, and so when Uncustomary posted a snail mail list, I jumped on it. I ended up with this fun card in my box! As you can (maybe) see, the card says "I love how uncustomary I am because..." and I added the "I create stories" part, because obviously I do. I just love the idea of reminding ourselves of our own great qualities when so often when we think about ourselves it's to be critical over some flaw or mistake.

I've been hanging onto this postcard for a while now, but considering the cards were advising me to focus on myself more today, practice some self-love and acceptance, it seemed a good day to post. I spent maybe too many hours yesterday working on holiday stories (in July!) and berating myself for not being superhuman and getting more done than was possible in a day. And so onward, with more self-love!


Sunday, July 12, 2015

The First Pg of Cups

The Page of Cups, according to the Steampunk Tarot, means "someone who is ready to try something new in emotions, relationships, or art." I've been drawn to this card a lot lately.

And so, wine also in hand, I am embarking on an epic blog journey. Sadly, without such a fine hat. I will be blogging about my writing, adventures in wine, and whatever else the cards have in store.
