Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Uncustomary Love

Snail mail happens to be one of my many interests, and so when Uncustomary posted a snail mail list, I jumped on it. I ended up with this fun card in my box! As you can (maybe) see, the card says "I love how uncustomary I am because..." and I added the "I create stories" part, because obviously I do. I just love the idea of reminding ourselves of our own great qualities when so often when we think about ourselves it's to be critical over some flaw or mistake.

I've been hanging onto this postcard for a while now, but considering the cards were advising me to focus on myself more today, practice some self-love and acceptance, it seemed a good day to post. I spent maybe too many hours yesterday working on holiday stories (in July!) and berating myself for not being superhuman and getting more done than was possible in a day. And so onward, with more self-love!


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