Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Cake a Month: December

I did it! I baked a cake every month for a year! Wow, that was harder than expected. It's amazing how fast the weeks pass, a couple months I almost forgot to do it altogether. But here it is, the last day of the year, the last cake: Pumpkin Crunch Cake!

I made a lot of pumpkin cakes this year, but then, next to chocolate pumpkin's one of the more delicious things in my opinion. This one turned out...interesting. It was kind of a combination pie-cake. The bottom mixture was pumpkin and spice and ended up like a pie, while the top was cake and crumble. A really delicious combo. I did change the recipe just a little...instead of the full amount of pecans I used 1 cup of pecans and 1 cup of chocolate chips because everything's better with chocolate!

It was a delicious challenge and I'm glad I did it. Which brings me to the next topic: I hope you enjoyed my cake adventures, because it went over so well this year I'm going to try to do the same thing next year with cookies! There should be some interesting flavors of those out there on the internet to try. I don't think anybody around here is sad I'm putting a batch of cookies a month on my list for next year!

Well, best of luck with your goal lists and have an excellent start to the new year!


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